Chapter 18
Introduction To Graphics

18.0 Chapter Goals
18.1 Basic Graphics Concepts
     18.1.1 Discrete Grids--Graphing Pixels
     18.1.2 Where is the origin?
     18.1.3 Measuring Angles
18.2 A Graphics Environment
18.3 Using The Module GraphPaper
18.4 Recursive Drawing--Fractals
     18.4.1 Snowflake Fractals
     18.4.2 A Tree Fractal
     18.4.3 Singly-Recursive Snowflake-like Fractals
     18.4.4 Sierpinski's Curve
18.5 String Art
18.6 An Extended Example--Implementing GraphPaper
     18.6.1 Defining the Module GraphWindow
     18.6.2 Implementing GraphWindow in MacOS
     18.6.3 Implementing GraphWindow in Windows NT
     18.6.4 Implementing GraphPaper in MacOS
     18.6.5 Implementing GraphPaper in Windows NT
18.7 Chapter Summary
18.8 Assignments